On December 19th, 2020, Simranjeet delivered a Research Lecture titled 'The Khalistan Council In Ecuador: Who, When, Why & How - An Unusual Tale' at the Nishaan Research Conference.
Delivering a Research Lecture at Kings College London

On November 5th, 2020, Simranjeet lectured for Students at the University of Leicester.
On this occasion, Simranjeet delivered a lecture titled 'Nineteen Eighty - Four : Tracing the Forgotten Footsteps of the Past - A Moment of Reflection at the Crossroad. This Lecture was hosted in memory of Martyr Darshan Singh Pheruman who breathed his last on his 74th day of hunger strike on October 27th 1969. Pheruman is often referred to as the 'first martyr of Sikh Homeland'.

On October 22nd, 2020, Simranjeet lectured for Students at Cardiff University & Bristol University.
His lecture title on this occasion was 'Sikhs at Crossroads - Past, Present & Future: A Journey of 300+ Years Through Photography, Audio & Film.' Sikhs at Crossroads is a thought provoking lecture which looks to dissect and analyse the forgotten chapters of contemporary Sikh History with an emphasis on U.K. Sikh History and to question what those episodes mean for Sikhs in the present and to offer thoughts on what they could mean in the future that is yet to come.

after a bite of a laddoo and a slurp of some chaa, one stares at the wilderness poking, making itself known on the window ledge. the young man peeks his eyes out for a quick glance, darkness, fog, no light… and indication that alas, the day is coming to an abrupt end.
On November 21st, I shall be delivering a history lecture titled ‘The Britishers & The Sikh Nation - Sacrifice, Treachery, Deceit, Reinventions and now, the Resurgence : Shattering the Calm?
‘Maybe it’s good, I said, to stop sometimes and reflect upon the things that have happened, maybe thinking about sadness can actually end up making you happy.’
Jessica Au
(Cold Enough for Snow)
Reflection is integral for growth and from 6pm onwards on the said date, attendees will travel with me as their guide, as we explore, the unexplored, which shall consist of chapters of livelihoods forgotten, misplaced, and now to be collectively interpreted/reinterpreted in the grand scheme of things whilst also taking note, that everything is and has unfolded as the master wills, and we, the masters children.
I believe that university students are more than capable of making informed decisions relating to their own livelihoods and how they wish to pursue their goals set, whether they be spiritual or in fact as part of the status quo as expected of ‘citizens’ of nation state.
And hence, as mentioned in the prior paragraph, I am simply the tour guide, as pictures of old, parched newspaper fragments and commentary via historians who have dedicated their life in this pursuit, they are the ones leading the tour, and I, the orator.
Sirdar Kapur Singh writes that the ‘political goal of the Sikhs has been divinely fixed by Guru Gobind Singh, and its form and content only might change according to changing circumstances.’ Something which I heed, accept to be true and is parched through stone as will be exemplified by many such case studies that will be presented in fourty-eight hours or so.
I am very grateful to the students at LSE & UCL for inviting me and most importantly deeming me worthy of playing a small role in their learnings.
I was elated at seeing two young individuals speak at the #freejagginow ‘protest’ a week or two ago, and hope that they shall blossom and stand as a beacon for all to see.
‘The Panth needs brave and pure Souls. Only those blessed souls
can take the Panth to Chardi Kala.’
Shaheed Jathedar Baba Gurbachan Singh Manochahal
(Jathedar Sri Akaal Takht Sahib)
May Satguru have mercy on us all. May he ever bless with unity
and co-operation…
Guru Panth Da Das
Simranjeet S. Rahi

The Khalsa Revolution – The Building of a Nation (Battle of Chamkaur & The Epic Saga of the 4 Sahibs) delivered at Aston University. (04/12/2019)
The Political History of Dr Jagjit Singh Chohan & his role in the Sikh Homeland Movement delivered at Kings College London. (30/11/2019)

The Quest for Nationhood delivered at Keele University (05/03/2019)

Young Labour Panel Discussion at the University of Birmingham
Simranjeet founded and presided over the Aston University Khalistan Society from 2017-20, he served the Aston University Labour Society in his capacity as General Secretary in 2018-19, he was elected to the Aston Students' Union Executive Committee in 2017-18 as the Academic Representative for Societies and was elected to serve as the Treasurer of the Aston University Palestine Society in 2019. Simranjeet was democratically elected as the President of the Aston University Optics Society in the Academic Year 2017-18. It was in this year, that he also represented the College of Optometrists in his capacity as the Student Representative for Aston University.
During his time at Aston University, Simranjeet was awarded the following certificates,
~ Silver Union Award for service to Aston Student’s Union ✅
~ Society Silver Award for service to the Optics Society ✅
~ Optics Society awarded ‘Most Improved Society’ during his tenure as President ✅

Queen Mary's Grammar School Council 2015-16
Seated (L-R)- Blazej Chomik (6MB) Mr NJ Bryars (Lead) Simranjeet S. Uppal (6SD) (Chairman) & Kiertan Kumar (8G) (Secretary)
Standing - Aditya Biswas (9P), Umar Raja (10D), Pavandeep Josan (11A), Kasim Arif (11D), Keval Nathwani (11G), Kayreeyce Samuels (6HC), Balraj Jhooty (6HD), Lewis Ward (6MA),Villina Mansa Bhogal-Soor (6SF), Aaron Saini (6SG), Tom Burns, Jeevan Grewal, Imran Dalvi, Infertan Kumar, Tim Crooks, Sebastian Kalicun, Mecquel Buddington, Sam Smith, Cameron Hodgetts, Samran Garewal