~ I climb my way to the double doors of the lords court, i duly think I have landed at the gobindgarh fort. witnessing armed soldiers armed to the teeth, with muskets, pistols and double edged swords all covered with a sheath, ~ as I stroll, I am greeted with bows and hands folded together, for my mind now feels as free as a feather, all I hear is the name of the sublime, I think it is my time? ~ great barr for the city of amritsar, I return on the orders of the one, though my life had only just really begun, but things were not to be.... you see, ~ I make my way to the light, how can one shine so bright, I walk with glee, for I have been waiting for this opportunity - me the absentee, ~ but now I walk with worry, do I tell my guru I am deeply sorry? ਮੈਂ ਕਿੱਥੇ ਸ਼ੁਰੂ ਕਰਾਂ, where do I start? do I speak from the heart? ~ I attempt to hide my face, but the guru stands ready for a warm embrace, i enclose the fragments of light within my feeble hands, illuminate my soul, that is all your servant demands, ~ my vessel of twenty-six years, all but disappears, life is complete, as to the clouds above is where I shall retreat...

visions at sunset 19/11/2020
What is this talk of slayer and of slain?
Swords are not sharp to slay nor floods assuage
This flaming soul. Mortality and pain
Are mere conventions of a mightier stage.