Bhai Narain Singh Chaura, a former political prisoner of conscience and freedom fighter had written a book titled ‘Why Didst Thou Trust’ post 1984, which details the siege & attack at Sri Darbar Sahib, Amritsar. It has now reached its 9th edition.
The title of the book itself is no doubt very bold, and perhaps poses a silencing question to multiple parties, a question which no doubt, enticed my mind into thought.
Whilst walking through the streets of central London, my legs walked forwards, but my mind was backtracking, running from forgotten eras to eras lost in translation. Whilst this happened, my eyes saw many different flags of nations/kingdoms hoisted upon large symmetrical buildings cladded with white stone, kept clean and decorative.
But one will not find the flag of the Sikh Nation hoisted upon such a building which begs the question, Why Didst Thou, The British, not honour the Treaty of Bharowal?

But the downfall of a nation can not only be limited to those outside the metal bladed gates of communes, for intrigue is perhaps always in the mind of individuals & perhaps we are the creators of our downfall? An example, the ‘once’ Premier Sikh Political Party, the Shiromani Akali Dal came to power in the Panjab State Government post the creation of a ‘Panjabi Suba’ under the leadership of Sant Fateh Singh. Though this government did not last long due to internal intrigue and power struggles. Master Tara Singh was disappointed with the Suba territories and stated, it should have been larger and genuinely ‘a Sikh homeland’.
Marcus Aurelius in Book 2 of Meditations writes that ‘all things have been of the same kind from everlasting, coming round and round again, and it makes no difference whether one will see the same thing for a hundred years, or two hundred years, or for an infinity of time. And one wonders whether this is proven in the annals of Sikh History with the characters, Priti Chand, Raja Tej Singh, Aroor Singh, The Patiala Royals, Sant Harchand Singh Longowal?
The future will no doubt be a spectacle with seatbelts having to be wrapped up tightly, as we sit upon this rollercoaster which spins beyond control as each day departs.

Whilst back at the Central Gurdwara, and having enjoyed a discussion with the librarian on a various number of topics. I decided to partake in the Guru Ka Langar. On a previous visit to this Gurdwara, I recall the President of the Khalsa Jatha stating that the Langar would often fill an individual up for quite some time, and may perhaps have been the only hot meal individuals would partake in weekly.
He was not wrong, as I admit truthfully, that I did struggle in finishing my Langar, but I persevered and victory was mine. I could see the Singh Ji sitting in front of me also struggling, but he also completed the mission.
As a noobie to this Gurdwara, I failed to understand the orientation of the taal, the result a deigh soaked parshadah! :) Yummy

A friend later mentioned that it seemed I would be traveling from Gurdwara to Gurdwara on outings, as I did on this very occasion, starting my day in sunny Southall, the safe haven? Or perhaps the most beautiful of places, the place where-upon my sovereign sits,
ਜਿਥੈ ਜਾਇ ਬਹੈ ਮੇਰਾ ਸਤਿਗੁਰੂ ਸੋ ਥਾਨੁ ਸੁਹਾਵਾ ਰਾਮ ਰਾਜੇ ॥
(M:4) ANG: 450, something we all sing as part of Sri Asa Di Vaar.
And whilst one departs for an outing from the court of the all-knower, the moon and sun, forever acting like the guardians they are, watching, noting our every step, illuminating the steps for us and ensuring we stay on the correct path…
my eyes awoke from a somewhat deep slumber and there you were,
standing in all your might,
peeking over,
watching over,
just like a bright light,

the curtains forever remain undrawn,
come night,
come day,
come the month of may,
forever there, like a bright light,
the windows kept open,
for the ਬਾਬੀਹਾ sing
throughout the season of spring,
they sing without a fright,
they are a fragment, of that bright light…
Simranjeet S. Rahi
Thank you to @cloudwatcheruno for the Mug :)