~ the constant journeys never cease to end, i cannot seem to comprehend, how I’ve ended up like this, as i reminisce, ~ may the days of the past send word, may tales of old be slurred, from my lips, as I write out my thoughts and feelings like a script, ~ my tears descend across my rosey cheek, for a glimpse of your beauty is all I seek, if only my two eyes could truly speak, ~ to relay my hearts desires, for true love, is all that it requires, my tears flow from my OS bloodshot eye, as it penetrates this paper I am writing on, like an iron gall dye, ~ i weep, I cannot sleep, where should I depart to, into the wilderness, to Kathmandu or to Peru? ~ do send word, or our memories will truly become blurred, for hidden deep inside me is a desire to be free, all I must do now... is to remove... the debris. ~ we always find what we are looking for, the hollow mind... just needs to explore. ~~ OS is an abbreviation for “oculus sinister” which is Latin for left eye.
