~ prince duleep singh,
oh how you fell deep into delusion,
for you were grabbed by the neck by the illusion,
if only you could see us now without a king,
nor a hand full of golden rings,
or rather... without a single thing,
~ we visit you day and night,
for our souls try to remain bright,
but within us diminishes the spark of light,
as we once more lose the never ending fight,
~ prince naunihaal singh,
if only you too could see us now,
how the dogras treated you with a bow,
but despised your every act,
for they wanted your every bone to crack,
~ prince sher singh,
if I was to bring you the news of our suffering,
my voice would never stop buffering,
for my news would be full of grief,
even if I were to keep it brief,
~ maharaja jassa singh of the ramgharia misl,
i was educated in your school,
it was there, I was blessed with the tools,
and it is on that fuel,
that I stand before you as a bronze jewel,
~ learning the mother tongue & the arts,
as just another cart,
waiting to depart,
oh jassa singh,
one of ours kings,
your portrait hung in the langar hall,
something that is to never be uninstalled,
~ beloved khalsa jees,
pass me the keys,
and let us swarmth the enemies like bees,
~ i sit here in the gym,
training every limb,
but my thoughts pervade me,
i try to break free,
but my eyes do not allow me to see,
i must flee,
and return to thee,
I ask you dear guru ji , will you embrace me?
~ I ask you guru ji , will a plume adorn my dear turban,
or are our efforts in vain?
or am I simply... insane?
are we not the sikh knights?
are we not the lights?
this is another tale that the grandson of gps rahi writes...
