~ my two eyes look straight, but with fear, my eyelids spasm... and i wait, ~ my two legs move forwards a step, but with fear, they tremble... and i make a misstep, ~ my two arms are thrown, but I realise I am all alone, in the unknown, ~ how do I escape this, this isn’t bliss? ~ i can’t see straight, I haven’t fallen for the bait, so why is this my fate? ~ i roll my sleeve, only to hear you breathe, like a blossoming leaf, acting like a thief, taking my mind for a stroll, stealing my flamboyant soul, ~ how do I reach you? do i jump, but I could be injured and form a barren bump, do I fly, knowing too well that I could... die? ~ maybe I shall never reach you... ~ maybe you will remain a pretty view... ~ maybe... I’ll find someone new.
