The gregorian year, twenty-twenty two, has been immensely fruitful for myself, it has been full of enrichment & excitement and I duly hope that the future will follow along the same lines.
This set of 365 days also marks two anniversaries relating to my research in the field of Contemporary Sikh History.
The first of which is the 40th Barsi of Giani Bakshish Singh B.A, the first elected General Secretary at Guru Nanak Gurdwara, Smethwick, the Founder General Secretary Shiromani Akali Dal U.K. and most notably the ‘First Sikh Imprisoned in India for the Sikh Independence Movement.’
Further, May 20th, 1972 marked the creation of a Sikh Government in Exile, (see 2&3). All of which is discussed in this short but succinct Research Lecture. A more in-depth analysis can be viewed via my Research Paper (v.1) on Academia.
Coincidentally, the day before yesterday also marked 365 days since the publication of my research lecture titled ‘The Khalistan Council in, Quito, Ecuador : Who, When, Why, How - An Unusual Tale’, which was presented virtually at the Nishaan Research Conference 2020.
Today, I make my lecture titled ‘The Martyrdom of Jathedar Darshan Singh Pheruman, The Early Sikh Homelanders & The Khalistan Government in Exile - Origins (1969-72)’ available for viewing via the below link…
I extend my sincere gratitude to Sardarni Hurleen K. Dooa (@fableen) for the technological support and liaison on the day of the conference itself. Further, I wish to thank her for editing this Research Lecture and for allowing this to be published. May Guru Sahib keep her and all those who worked behind the scenes to ensure the success of the conference in chardikala.
This Research Lecture was held in memory of the S. Balbir S. Khela who breathed his last last year. More information on this protagonist can be found on the below link…
Some lectures delivered by myself over the years in the arena of Contemporary Sikh History now available for viewing on YouTube, with the hope that more self reflection will occur on my own part, more rethinking and continuing to rationally examine every aspect of the past in unison with the present…
‘Love the art which you have learnt, and take comfort in it. Go through the remainder of your life in sincere commitment of all your being to the gods, and never making yourself tyrant or slave to any man.’
Marcus Aurelius
Book 4 (Meditations)